Protect our Troops: Stop China’s Control over U.S. Military Goods

Right now, China, one of our nation’s biggest rivals, has dangerous control over America’s military. China is either the sole or primary supplier of a number of minerals we depend on for defense manufacturing. This precarious reality would give China leverage if there was an armed conflict and puts our military at risk. 

One of the minerals China controls is antimony. Currently, the United States has no domestically mined source for this critical mineral. Antimony is used in munitions, flares, precision optics, and infrared sensors. 

By not producing antimony at home, we are relying on foreign countries to provide us with the resources we need to keep our brave men and women safe. This is unacceptable. 

We have an opportunity to safely and responsibly mine antimony in Idaho. A significant amount of this mineral, along with a world-class deposit of gold, still remains at a site that was mined to support our troops during World War II and the Korean War. 

Mining company Perpetua Resources needs your support to advance its Stibnite Gold Project and secure America’s supply of antimony. 

Sign the petition to tell regulators at the U.S. Forest Service we need the Stibnite Gold Project to keep our troops and country safe. 

U.S. Forest Service, 

America cannot rely on China and other foreign countries to keep our military safe. 

Right now, we have the opportunity to protect the brave men and women who serve our country by permitting the Stibnite Gold Project and securing a domestic source of antimony. We owe it to them to move this project forward. 

Antimony is used in munitions, flares, precision optics, and infrared sensors. It is irresponsible of us to rely on our global rivels to provide America with some of its most important minerals. 

Perpetua Resources has developed a plan to mine the area safely and responsibly. The project will not only provide our troops with mission critical minerals, but it will also inject millions of dollars into Idaho’s economy, provide hundreds of jobs to hardworking Americans and generate the funding needed to clean up this historic mining district. 

It is time to protect our troops. It is time for the U.S. Forest Service to move the Stibnite Gold Project forward. 


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Secure our Supply Chains from Foreign Adversaries

America is at risk. For years, we have allowed mining to be pushed overseas and now we are paying the consequences. We are dependent on minerals from foreign countries, including our adversaries China and Russia, to produce the goods our lives depend on. 

Without minerals we cannot manufacture cellphones, computers, semiconductors, automobiles, ammunition and everything in between. 

Sadly, America has weakened our supply chains by not advancing responsible mining projects in our country. Right now, there are 17 minerals we are fully reliant on foreign countries to provide. 

Until our mineral supply chains are secure, America will always be vulnerable. 

Take antimony for example. There is no domestic supply for this mineral, despite its importance to our national security. Antimony is used munitions, flares, precision optics, and infrared sensors. We need this mineral to keep our troops and our country safe.   

You can help secure America’s mineral future. 

Sign the petition below and tell federal regulators it is time to source minerals here at home. Tell them to start with the Stibnite Gold Project in Idaho, which would provide a significant source of the antimony we need to keep the brave men and women who serve our country safe. 

Sign Now!

**NOTE: By signing, you agree to have your comment submitted to the Stibnite Gold Project page on the US Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service website: 

(US Forest Service NEPA Projects Home (

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U.S. Forest Service, 

For years, we have allowed mining to be pushed overseas and now American supply chains are at risk. Without domestic sources of the minerals we need, American manufacturing and access to the goods we need for our technology, energy and defense industries is not secure. 

Right now, we have to rely on other countries to supply us with the minerals we need to produce semiconductors, cars, solar panels, storage batteries, prescription drugs and national defense systems. In fact, there are 17 minerals we are entirely dependent on foreign countries to provide – including antimony. 

Antimony is key to keeping our country and our military men and women safe. Sadly, today, China and Russia provide around 90% of America’s antimony. But it doesn’t have to be this way. 

I encourage the U.S. Forest Service to permit Perpetua Resources’ Stibnite Gold Project, so we can secure a domestic source of antimony and strengthen America’s supply chains. 

During the first six years of mining, the Stibnite Gold Project would provide enough antimony to satisfy 35 percent of our nation’s commercial antimony demand. It would also provide hundreds of well-paying jobs to hard-working Americans and inject millions of dollars into the economy. 

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